Spanish Pronto Reading PracticeWelcome to the Spanish Pronto Reading Practice!This article discusses the Vel' d'Hiv' Round-Up of Paris's Jewish families, in which the French police forces organized and carried out a plan first to move thousands of Jews to the "Vélodrome d'Hiver" (Winter Velodrome) and from there to send them to French internment camps and then on to German extermination camps. It also makes the notable point that gypsies were also rounded up and sent to their deaths. The most surprising part of the article, for me, was this:
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial se deportó en Francia a 75 mil 500 judíos hacia los campos de exterminio nazis, de los que sobrevivieron unos 2 mil 500... Below is a link to the full article, and a glossary for the first four paragraphs of the article.*
This Spanish reading practice brought to you by: Prickly pears ("the poor man's watermelon," "dolphin-safe tuna") Prickly pears: Isn't it about time you ate something magenta? |
FULL ARTICLE: Reconoce Hollande responsabilidad de Francia en crímenes nazis[French President François] Hollande acknowledges France's responsibility for Nazi murdersGLOSSARY (for the first four paragraphs of this article) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
*NOTE: The words that are not included in this glossary are very common Spanish words (as found in the first 7 days of the Español desde cero blog).
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