Spanish Pronto!: Dichos, Refranes, Sayings, Proverbs
Just a few (41) of the many Spanish sayings (five of my own favorites in blue). For some there are one or more good English equivalents; for some I just wish there were.
Next to each Spanish saying is my close, but inelegant, English translation of the Spanish. Although I think it is more enjoyable to work out the meaning of each saying on your own, I have provided rough explanations of each at the bottom of the page. Click on the [v] next to a saying to go to the corresponding explanation.
For how many of these can you think of an equivalent saying in English? This may be harder to do for some of these. For a few it may even be impossible. By learning a new language, after all, you are also beginning to learn a new culture, and a new point of view.